It seems a long time ago now, but I hope you had a good weekend?
Mine was spent by the lake, mainly in isolation but thankfully I did earn myself some company after a few decent catches!
It made me think about a client we helped last week who’s parts requirement also had a catch – though not the sort anyone wants!
They approached us looking to source two Caterpillar G3520 Cylinder Head Gasket Kits on an urgent basis – no issues there, that’s what we do.
Straight away, we reached out to our suppliers… which is where we hit the catch; we could only locate one kit quickly with the other kit being on a long lead time.
Now, this could have been the end of the story leaving us with a less than thrilled customer, but that’s just not what we do.
Using the CAT parts system we identified the Gasket Kit contents list and found all of the parts to be available separately instead of kit form.
The result?
The customer received their order in 4 days rather than 4 weeks.
We are not like other suppliers – we think outside the box to get you what you need when you need it.